Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The art of book promotion

Poor Ann Coulter. Did no one explain to HER that she has to promote her book?

Her newest hatefest, IF DEMOCRATS HAD ANY BRAINS, is tanking. Her last book spent twelve weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, but this one only lasted four. Her last book sold 223,000 copies in its first month out, and this one only 97,000.

Now all of us out here in genre-land know that you have to blog, you have to print up bookmarks, you have to do appearances, you have to work the system. Reviews don't help, Ann. (Well, in your case, they really don't help, since they're ghastly.) You have to work at this, not just write two hundred pages of tripe and expect it to sell!

Toby Bishop understands all this. The androgenous writer of AIRS BENEATH THE MOON is celebrating the appearance of the second book in the trilogy, AIRS AND GRACES, which is released this very day, December 18th. Toby's smart, and has sent e-mails to all and sundry, refreshed the website (http://www.tobybishop.net/, if you want to know). Or eager readers can visit http://www.amazon.com/Airs-Graces-Toby-Bishop/dp/0441015565/ref=sr_1_1/002-7963065-4204831?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1187052410&sr=8-1 Toby doesn't expect great reviews alone to sell books.

Of course, Toby doesn't go around in an assortment of inappropriately skimpy little black dresses, either. Maybe that's how Coulter went wrong?

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