Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Letting someone else fight your battles

A Washington Post reporter told Chris Matthews today on Hardball that a news video showing a young man (31) accosting Cindy Sheehan on the street, badgering her to say what will happen in Iraq if we pull out, and shrieking things about how awful Saddam was, was only a partial of the clip. He described what the reporter asked the guy after Sheehan was gone. The reporter evidently said, "Why don't you serve if you think it's so important?" The young guy says, "They don't want me, I'm 31." And the reporter said, "They're taking guys at 40. There's a recruiting station down the street. Let's go!" And the 31-year-old said no, that his job was to stay home and make money to support the war.

In the times I've been part of a group of demonstrators, the people who flip us off are invariably--and I mean that literally--invariably young men of service age. What's that about? Young men who could be in the armed forces are flipping off middle-aged women because they oppose war. Go figure.You can see the video if you like at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/

And while I'm at it, why is it that conservatives like Lindsey Graham are growing more and more shrill with every day that passes? Getting desperate, I guess. A 22% approval rating will do that for you.

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