Friday, August 24, 2007

Wrapping it up

(Exquisite artwork by Allen Douglas)

I'm late. The book (AIRS OF NIGHT AND SEA) was due July 1st. It's now done, and I'm two chapters away from the final revisions, and yet . . .

It's legendary among writers that we hate to come to the end of a story. We hate saying goodby to our beloved characters, to the world we've inhabited for however much time--three years, in this case--and we hate letting all of that go out of our hands into far less sympathetic ones! So, although I wrote like a demon (for me, anyway) and have apologized to my editor for being late,and have promised to have it in her hands by next week . . . still. I keep putting off that last look, that final touch.

Come on, Marley. (Well, Bishop.) Finish it. Send it. Move on.

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